For more than 30 years, A Home Within has mobilized a national volunteer corps to respond to the needs of children and adults who have experienced foster care, providing critical workforce capacity to communities across the country.
To address the overwhelming sense of loss, displacement, and grief caused by the fires in LA County, we are coming together in community to support one another and demonstrate resilience.
The following A Home Within therapists have offered slots to someone affected by the fires. Feel free to reach out to each therapist independently. Slots are first-come, first-served.
Do you want to be part of this resource list? Your generosity could make a profound difference. Fill out this form to sign up.
Pro-bono Slots Available:
- Candice Simonds | candice@ahomewithin.org
- Jacklyn Sage | sagepsychotherapy3@gmail.com | www.jackiesage.com
- Katharine Vila | kathy@kathyvila.com | www.kathyvila.com
- Joseph Illovsky | jillovsky@yahoo.com
- Elise Moore | elisegmoore@gmail.com | www.psychologytoday.com
- Brooke Pomerantz | brooke.pomerantz@gmail.com | www.brookepomerantz.com
- Larry Goodman | larryisin@gmail.com | www.larryisin.com
- Eric Bergemann | DrEricBergemann@gmail.com | www.DrEricBergemann.com
- Carmelia Nafe | carmelia.nafe@cfmhe.org (currently in PsyD training)
- Jill Cole | jillcoleseattle@gmail.com | for teens, families, and college students
- Tracy Sanna | sanna.tracy@gmail.com | www.tracysannacounseling.com/
- Gia Stark | gia@giastarktherapy.com | www.psychologytoday.com
- Keturah Baker | info@journeytolovecounseling.com | www.journeytolovecounseling.com
- Margaret Barry | tenusmagie@aol.com | www.therapywithmargaretbarry.com
- Carolina Lima Leal | carolina.limaleal@cfmhe.org | /www.psychologytoday.com
- Gabe Duncan | gabe.duncan@cfmhe.org | www.cfmhe.org
- Noemi Acosta | noemi.acosta@cfmhe.org | www.cfmhe.org (currently in training)
- Heather DePinho | heather.depinho@cfmhe.org | www.cfmhe.org
- Leeann Harvey | lbhphd@protonmail.com
- Anzette Shackelford | anzette@sbcglobal.net
- Melissa Waybright | drwaybright@gmail.com
Additional Paid Slots Available:
- Alexandra Block | alexandrablocktherapy@gmail.com www.alexandrablocktherapy.com (deeply discounted $50 sessions)
- Keturah Baker | info@journeytolovecounseling.com | www.journeytolovecounseling.com
- Joseph Illovsky | jillovsky@yahoo.com
- Margaret Barry | tenusmagie@aol.com | www.therapywithmargaretbarry.com (Sliding scale slots available)
- Carolina Lima Leal | carolina.limaleal@cfmhe.org | www.psychologytoday.com (Sliding scale available)