
Got Questions?

We understand that signing up for therapy isn’t always easy. We’re glad you’re thinking of making this step! Read below to get more information about what to expect when you are referred to A Home Within as a client.

“I am so thankful for this amazing program that has, and does, change my life. My therapist says what we don’t treat we repeat. I’m not repeating any of these cycles.”

– AHW Client

How do I refer a client, or myself, for therapy through A Home Within?

The first step of the referral process is to fill out this form.

A staff member will contact you by email within five business days to gather more information about the client, including their goals for therapy and their therapist preferences.

Anyone currently or previously in foster care can self-refer by completing the same referral form. After that, look out for an email from within 5 business days.

Who is eligible for therapy from A Home Within?

Anyone who has spent at least one day in foster care at any point in their life is eligible for referral to A Home Within. Clients’ needs and therapeutic goals will be assessed at intake to ensure that one hour of psychotherapy per week is appropriate.

A Home Within does not provide crisis intervention, case management, or intensive outpatient (IOP) services. Clients whose needs cannot be met by our program will be referred to appropriate resources in their area.

Is there an age restriction for being matched with a therapist through A Home Within?

No. We believe that the impacts of foster care are lifelong; no one ages out of A Home Within. Our clients range in age from 2 to 72.

How long will the therapy last?

There is no maximum amount of time that clients are eligible for our program. Volunteer therapists and their clients will collaborate to determine the appropriate length of therapy and when it is clinically appropriate for it to end. While length of therapy depends on many factors, especially the client’s feedback, A Home Within asks our volunteer therapists to make an open-ended commitment to working with their client and to communicate with us if any career or life circumstances or limitations arise that prevent them from continuing therapy. In the event that a therapist has to end due to external circumstances, we will work to rematch the client and facilitate a smooth transition.

Can anyone living anywhere be matched with a therapist through A Home Within?

Due to state licensing restrictions, with very few exceptions clients must reside in a state in which we have a volunteer therapist. We are always recruiting new volunteers so that we can meet the growing need.

We currently have licensed therapists in the following states: California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.

How do clients get matched with a volunteer therapist?

All clients referred to A Home Within will be invited to share their preferences regarding factors such as gender, age, race, training, and specialties of the therapist. We also take into account scheduling barriers and therapy format—we offer both telehealth and in-person! We aim to make the best match possible while practicing ethical waitlist management.

What if the client doesn’t like the therapist they’re matched with?

We understand that a good fit is an important factor in meeting the client’s therapeutic goals. Clients are invited to share their preferences at the time of referral, and we do our best to meet as many preferences as possible. After meeting with the therapist, if the client is not satisfied with the fit, they may contact A Home Within staff to request a rematch. Clients are eligible to request up to two rematches if the initial match does not fit.

Who do I contact if I have more questions about referring a client to A Home Within or volunteering with A Home Within?

Contact Grace Manger, National Program Director, at

At a Glance

There’s no age restriction: A Home Within clients range from age 2 to 72
Volunteer therapists commit to working with their client for at least one year
Clients are eligible to request up to three rematches