
I appreciate the support I’ve received as I am working on my associate hours and navigating the different professional development resources.

How and when did you first get involved with A Home Within, and why were you drawn to it?

My former supervisor mentioned A Home Within when I started working with her. I was intrigued by the opportunity to form a therapeutic relationship with current or former foster youth and to be a consistent support in their lives.

Tell us about your experience with Building Practice in Community (BPIC). How did you get involved, how has it benefited you, and/or what have you learned?

Candice Simonds reached out to me to become a part of BPIC and I am grateful she did! I appreciate the support I’ve received as I am working on my associate hours and navigating the different professional development resources.

What would you say to someone considering volunteering with and/or donating to A Home Within?

I would highly encourage them to become a volunteer therapist as it has been a rewarding experience to be able to support a current or former foster care youth. Throughout my time with A Home Within as a volunteer therapist, I’ve learned a lot and have gained great clinical experience.

As you know, we are celebrating both the inspiring history and promising future of A Home Within. Where do you hope to see A Home Within headed in the future? What would you like to see happen?

I hope that the volunteer therapist program continues to expand and BPIC also continues to grow to provide social justice and cultural support for clients.

What is the most special part about A Home Within to you?

The importance of forming a community with other volunteer therapists and supporting each other in professional development.

At a Glance

A Home Within’s community includes nearly 500 therapists in 20 chapters across 10 states.
Dozens of free consultation groups and continuing education events are offered each year.
This year, over 150 therapists nationwide became volunteers, leading to a 25% increase in our network!