
It is all about giving and volunteering. There is no pressure to produce and you can really do what is right.

How and when did you first get involved with A Home Within, and why were you drawn to it?

I was inspired by my play therapy supervisor who held time in her week for pro bono work. I wanted a way to give to others as part of giving to myself.

What would you say to someone considering volunteering with and/or donating to A Home Within?

You get so much from giving to a family who has experienced foster care and adoption. There are so many opportunities to receive as well, including being connected to the A Home Within Community, free continuing education opportunities, and chances to network with other providers.

What do you think people not yet familiar with A Home Within would find most surprising about the work the organization does?

A Home Within can be very flexible in service delivery. Caregivers can also access therapeutic supports as well as children and youth.

As you know, we are celebrating both the inspiring history and promising future of A Home Within. Where do you hope to see A Home Within headed in the future? What would you like to see happen?

I think every agency connected to child and family services in my state and other states should know about A Home Within and assist with recruiting providers. I think the government should give incentives like reduction in license fees for folks who volunteer.

What is the most special part about A Home Within to you?

That it is all about giving and volunteering. There is no pressure to produce and you can really do what is right.

What impact has your work with A Home Within had on your life - personal, professional, or otherwise?

A Home Within has allowed me a chance to reflect on why I do this work and why I have received advanced training in supporting children and families as a registered play therapist™.

What are some other projects and/or accomplishments outside of your volunteer work with A Home Within you are most proud of?

I enjoy training educators and caregivers as well as mental health providers about simple ways to make a huge difference in the lives of kids. I train others on building relationship to promote good mental health as well as understanding symbolic play, play therapy, working with kids with disabilities, and measuring progress.

At a Glance

A Home Within’s community includes nearly 500 therapists in 20 chapters across 10 states.
Dozens of free consultation groups and continuing education events are offered each year.
This year, over 150 therapists nationwide became volunteers, leading to a 25% increase in our network!